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While loans are a type of financial aid available to students and parents that must be repaid, grants and scholarships do not have to be repaid.  Scholarships are made to students who demonstrate or show potential for distinction in academics or other performance (e.g., athletics, music, speech, drama).  To qualify for a given scholarship, a student must meet the criteria outlined for the award.  In completing the application, it is important to provide all of the information requested and to pay particular attention to detail.  The presentation of the application (neat appearance, typewritten, and factual) is also an important factor in the evaluation process


Century High School Scholarship Information

The counseling office compiles a complete listing of scholarship opportunities which is posted on this website. This is a listing of known scholarships available to our students and is updated as new info is received. Applications for these scholarships are generally found online. 


 Please keep in mind the Scholarship Opportunity listing does not represent an all-inclusive list of scholarships.

  • Don’t forget to inquire about institutional scholarships at the schools you are considering. 
  • Religious groups, civic groups, fraternal organizations, and employers may be additional sources of scholarships.  Students are also encouraged to involve parents in their search. 
  • Try free scholarship searches online at sites like, or

A final piece of advice: Beware of scholarship scams - do NOT pay for a scholarship search.

A number of privately operated scholarship search companies charge fees that range from $30 to well over $300. Most provide a list of sources of financial assistance for which you may apply. Many search companies offer to refund your fee if you do not receive any award. However, some services require you to provide a rejection letter from every source on the list to claim your refund. You should be aware that many scholarship sources do not routinely send rejection letters. According to the Federal Trade Commission, warning signs that a scholarship service may be a scam include the following statements:

"This scholarship is guaranteed or your money back."

Wrong. No one can guarantee to get you a grant or scholarship.

"You can't get this information anywhere else."

Unlikely. Many free lists of scholarships are available. Check with your counselor for FREE information about current scholarships before you pay someone for the same or similar information.

"May I have your credit card or bank account number to hold this scholarship?"

No way. It may be a setup for an unauthorized withdrawal from your account. Don't give out you or your parents' credit card or bank account number on the phone without first getting all the information in writing.

"We'll do all the work."

Don't be fooled. There's no way around it. You must apply for the scholarships or grants yourself.

"The scholarship will cost you some money."

That doesn't make sense. Free money shouldn't cost a thing. Don't pay anyone who claims to have access to a scholarship for you.

"You've been selected by a ‘national foundation' to receive a scholarship or You're a finalist in a contest" (that you didn't enter).

Be careful. Before you send money to apply for a scholarship, check it out. Make sure the foundation or program is legitimate. Most sources of financial aid have application deadlines and eligibility criteria; they do not, generally, operate like a sweepstakes. Some places imitate federal foundations, agencies, and corporations. They might even have official sounding names, using such words as "National" and "Federal" or claim to have a Washington, D.C. location in order to project an aura of legitimacy.

Source: U.S. Department of Education