Empower Every Learner to Thrive!
Century High School Student Services Office
Kelly Humann
Cassie Kisse
Counselor (A-F)
701-323-4900 ext. 6514
Gina Phillips
Counselor (G-K)
701-323-4900 ext. 6516
Dan Trottier
Counselor (L-R)
701-323-4900 ext. 6513
Lindsey Guidinger
Counselor (S-Z)
701-323-4900 ext. 6515
Laura Henkelman
Career Advisor
701-323-4900 ext. 6547
Mission StatementThe mission of the Century High School Student Services Office is to be a valuable resource to students and parents regarding academic, career, and personal/social issues. |
Vision StatementThe Century High School Student Services Department strives to be an integral part of the total education system as a resource for EVERY student. Through collaboration, the counseling department will be a comprehensive, developmental resource for personal/social, academic, and career needs while providing a safe, supportive environment. Programming decisions will be data driven and based on total needs of the students it serves. |