Student Council
Student Council
Eligibility Requirements:
Members of Century's Student Council should exhibit strong potential for the development of leadership skills which include but are not limited to being responsible, self-disciplined, self-confident, having a high respect for the success of others and one that peers look to for direction.
Time Commitment:
Student Council meets once a week for about 45 minutes throughout the entire school year. Attendance is mandatory.
Procedures for Joining:
If students want to join Student Council they must submit an application in the spring and go through the interview process in from of the Student Council Cabinet consisting of the President, Vice President, Secretary and advisor.
Activity Time Period:
Century Student Council I will meet throughout the entire school year and activities they sponsor include homecoming festivities, pep rallies, dances, Mr. CHS, Comic Relief spirit weeks, state convention and more.
Membership Limit:
Membership is limited to 35-40 students based on the results of the application and interview process.
Location of Meetings:
Student Council meets after school in Mrs. Urbanec's room E210
Dr. Reagan Urbanec
Mr. Brandon Plasch