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Science Olympiad

Science Olympiad

Eligibility Requirements:
This competition tests students on their abiity to perform in a variety of ways on science-based questions in the areas of earth, space, life and physical sciences along with computer programming skills.  The testing requires students to study up on self-selected topics and focuses on lab-based skills and interpretation, content-based knowledge, and engineering/building skills.  To be eligible, a background in the selected topic is helpful, but a commitment to devoting outside time to mastering the material and practiciing the skills is most important.  There is an ever-growing library of resources to assist in studying/practice and to ensure that work is being completed on schedule for the competitions.

Time Commitment:
Meetings for Science Olympiad are usually held once per week for about an hour.  While attendance at the meeting may not be mandatory, there are progress checks to ensure that work is being completed on schedule for the competitions at regionals and state.  As the competitions get closer, more/longer meetings may be needed to be ready.  A full calendar will be provided at the beginning of the year and many resources are communicated through a BPS Apps (Moodle) account.

Procedures for Joining:
Preliminary organizational meetings are typically help just prior to Thanksgiving break.  There will be announcements placed and read to notify students about the meetings or students are encouraged to visit with the advisor.

Activity Time Period:
Weekly meetings typically begin prior to Thanksgiving and regional competition varies from late March to early April.  State competition in late April with the possibility to advance to nationals, which is held towards the end of May in alternating locations across the nation.

Membership Limit: 
Teams may consist of up to 15 members (with some alternates) and are limited to no more than seven seniors per team.  Only one team from a school is allowed to advance to the state competition.  The number and distribution of members on a team is entirely dependent upon how many show an active interest in the club, and there will be a spot at some level for everyone who wants to be involved.

Location of Meetings:
Science Olympiad will meet in room E110.

Mr. Scott Johnson
701-323-4900 ext. 6666