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Gamers Club

Gamers Club

Eligibility Requirements:
Gamers club is for any student who likes to play video games.  There is no previous experience necessary to join this club and all students are welcome to attend.

Time Commitment:
Meetings are held every other week throughout the school year and usually last an hour and a half.  Attendance is not mandatory but is encouraged.

Procedures for Joining:
Students interested in Gamers Club should contact the advisor or show up to a meeting.  All students should sign in for the meeting and be an active gamer.

Activity Time Period:
Gamers Club starts early in the school year (mid-September) and runs through the end of the school year.

Membership Limit: 
There is no limitation on the number of students able to participate in this club.

Location of Meetings:
Gamers Club meets after school in the library 

Micah Davidson