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Century High School AVID


Alysia Barman

Freshman/Sophomore AVID Teacher

701-323-4900 ext. 6548


Kate Fox

Sophomore AVID Teacher

701-323-4900 ext. 6609


Chelsey Gravseth

Senior AVID Teacher

701-323-4900 ext. 6663


Emilee Todd

Junior AVID Teacher

701-323-4900 ext. 6632


Emily Ruchti

Junior AVID Teacher

701-323-4900 ext. 6614


What Is AVID?

AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) is a rigorous and intensive college-prep class offered in grades 9-12 at Century High School. AVID is a class that prepares ‘the entire student’ to be ready for college, focusing on academics, leadership skills and building college/career knowledge. AVID is for students who have the desire to go to college and the willingness to work hard. In the AVID Elective, students are routinely required to enroll in their school’s toughest courses, such as honors or Advanced Placement®. Enrollment in AVID requires an application, interview and contract. Applications are available in Student Services.


AVID Frequently Asked Questions


What are the requirements for AVID?

Student in AVID have a 2.5 GPA and above and are motivated to succeed in school. AVID is not a motivational program. In fact, students have to want to improve to be in it. Students need to have average to high test scores and a desire to succeed to be selected for AVID.


Is AVID a class?

Yes. AVID is an elective class that fits in a student’s regular schedule.   It is a four year program, which takes up an elective space each year at  Century High School.


Do students earn a grade in AVID?

Yes. Because AVID is a class in the student’s schedule, there is a grade. 


What do you do in AVID?

  • Students learn how to take Cornell Notes in each of their classes. 

  • Learn test-taking strategies as well as time management and proper study skills. 

  • Students explore college and career options while working with WICOR strategies (Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization, Reading). 

  • All AVID students maintain the AVID binder, which holds all of their materials from all of their classes. 

  • Teachers grade students’ notes from other classes as well as give binder grades for organization in other classes. 

  • Field trips to local colleges start in the freshman year and continue throughout the program. 

  • In the junior year, students prepare for the SAT and ACT in the classroom and begin filling out college applications. 

  • The senior year helps students apply for college and introduces them to college like assignments and activities.


Is AVID a motivational program?

No. AVID is only for students how have a desire to improve and have the intrinsic motivation to be successful. 

IS AVID a remedial program?

No. Students chosen for the AVID program have strong academic potential.